walking west...

we are...east of Eden

August 23, 2013

Reconciliation over Ritual


Matthew 5.23, 24
"Therefore, if you are offering your gift at the altar and there remember that your brother or sister has something against you, leave your gift there in front of the altar. First, go and be reconciled to them; then come and offer your gift."

The Gospel of Matthew (one perspective of the life of Jesus) was written primarily to religious people with very precise rituals. The words offering, gift, and altar would have caught their attention.

But Jesus reveals that restoring a damaged relationship is more important than the ritual. This would have been very refreshing to the average Joe Citizen but very awkward for those involved in the Temple system.

So here's the question for the day - if we practiced this on Sunday morning, how empty would your church be?
Reconciled in this sense means to change the mind of someone, renew friendship, a mutual concession, or people in conflict coming together through mutual change.

Additionally, I don't think that Jesus was condemning ritual/religion but trying to restore it to its purpose of helping people love God and love neighbor.

Follow the ways of Jesus!