- 5.3 – help me to be humble today
- 5.4 – help me to be aware and mournful about the
condition of the world today
- 5.5 – help me to be meek today
5.6 – help me to crave true righteousness and
help me to learn what this is
- 5.7 – give me an opportunity to be merciful
towards someone today
- 5.8 – help me to be pure in heart and mind today
- 5.9 – give me an opportunity to be a peacemaker
- 5.10-12 – help me to live in these ways today; give
me peace and patience as I experience the inevitable disfavor.
- 5.13 – remind me of the usefulness of salt,
remind that salt must come into intimate contact with what it is to affect, and
remind me that you call US the salt of the earth!
- 5.14-16 – help me to live in these ways today
and remind me that I represent YOU!
- 5.17-20 – help me to better understand your
ways, bring someone into my life to guide me, and help move about today in
harmony with your kingdom
- 5.21-22 – help me to curb my anger in all
situations and help me to not use my words to destroy
- 5.23-26 – I confess that there are broken
relationships in my life, help me to make reconciling these my number 1
- 5.27 – help me not to lust today
- 5.29-30 – help me to take my failings seriously
and not rationalize them away
- 5.33-37 – help me to simply be a man of my word
and help me to live consistently so that my word has credibility
- 5.38-42 – help to forsake the normal ways of the
world – revenge, protecting what “is” mine, and giving just enough to stay out
of trouble. Rather, give me strength to NOT seek revenge; help me to NOT go to
painful measures to protect what “is” mine because I want to believe that
everything is yours anyway; and help me to love and serve others extravagantly
- 5.43-48 – give me an opportunity to love an
enemy today, real or perceived
- 6.1-4 – give me the humility to serve others
without an agenda and to deflect all glory to YOU
- 6.5-7 – help me NOT be a religious showboat
- 6.10 – help me to be COMPLETELY subservient to
YOUR will
- 6.11 – help me to be CONTENT with what I have
- 6.12 – forgive me of my sins and give me an
opportunity to forgive someone that has sinned against me
- 6.13 – give me the wisdom to recognize
temptation and flee from it instead of flirting with it
- 6.24 – help me to worship YOU only today and not
the false of god of the economy
- 6.25-34 – help me NOT to worry today; rather,
help me to appreciate the sustenance YOU give – use the birds of the air and
the flowers of the field to remind me of this
- 7.1-5 – help me to NOT judge others today;
rather, remind me to use the energy that I consume in doing something reserved
for YOU to work on the sins of my own life
- 7.7-8 – give me strength, wisdom, and reminders
to ask, seek, and knock!
- 7.12 – help me to take the Golden Rule
seriously, and let it rule all of my interactions with others
- 7.13-14 – give me courage to NOT follow the
crowd but to pursue life found on the narrow road and through the small gate
- 7.24-27 – give me wisdom, strength, and courage
as I build my foundation